The FlyBy
I was walking on a road in the Waterloopbos, on my way back to my car.
As I was mentally already done with taking photo’s, out of nowhere this white eagret seemed to fly away. At first I felt like I missed another shot, but little did I know it was coming my way.
I quickly switched to an extremely high shutter-speed, with an aperture of 5.6 and my ISO on automatic.
And I got it!
It started to sink in, I was so glad.
I was walking on a road in the Waterloopbos, on my way back to my car.
As I was mentally already done with taking photo’s, out of nowhere this white eagret seemed to fly away. At first I felt like I missed another shot, but little did I know it was coming my way.
I quickly switched to an extremely high shutter-speed, with an aperture of 5.6 and my ISO on automatic.
And I got it!
It started to sink in, I was so glad.
I was walking on a road in the Waterloopbos, on my way back to my car.
As I was mentally already done with taking photo’s, out of nowhere this white eagret seemed to fly away. At first I felt like I missed another shot, but little did I know it was coming my way.
I quickly switched to an extremely high shutter-speed, with an aperture of 5.6 and my ISO on automatic.
And I got it!
It started to sink in, I was so glad.